Zod, Day 5

Not a lot of writing today, but I at least got a few words down.  The stuff in brackets need names.  Also, there’s been a bit of editing from my previous, so I’ll post a “so far” at some point soon

So lost were they in their thoughts that they nearly ran into one of their co-workers, a digger named [NAME1]. As Zod really didn’t need to be seen, they ducked into the nearest stall to hide. Unfortunately this did raise a few eyebrows as it was a womens’ clothing store and therefore had nothing even remotely electric beaver shaped. Zod stammered a few apologies and thankfully [NAME1] had moved East on down the avenue before they emerged from the store. East goes to the garage, which they need to avoid even more as the doors were open for for the day.

Where North and West Walls meet Zod finds a convenience store, stocked with the bits and bobs and bric-a-brack that don’t warrant a trip down to he shops on River Avenue. They use [SOMETHING] as an excuse to quite literally sniff around. And with the barest of hints in the air, they overhear some store patrons talking with the counter person about the Sketch Antique Shops in the opposite corner of town. Having nothing else to go on at this point they buy [THING1] and starts heading that direction South towards River Avenue, the West-East artery thru [TOWN]. From there they can decide whether to follow the River or continue along the Walls as the ways are roughly equidistant.

[Walk this way, talk this way]

The Antique Shops are indeed sketchy, so they find. Lots of small people in small shops selling small things that have no discernible utility. Looking around, Zod realizes that a dozen small beady eyes are watching them intently. The shopkeepers definitely don’t look like they think Zod should be there. Hurriedly thinking, they remember that [THING2] which they’ve seen in Desil’s shop can only come from a place like this. Sticking their head into the closest shop they ask for [THING2] to an untrusting stare. After a few moments consideration the shopkeeper points their small arm to another shop a few stalls down, with a “try them” grunt of dismissal.

The second shop was equally warm to the stranger, as in not so much. But they did soften when asked about [THING2] and offered it at obviously marked up prices. But Zod paid it anyway, while asking if they’d seen Desil recently. This invited a questioning stare, like the shopkeeper wasn’t sure it was safe to say anything to them.

After a pregnant pause, the keeper says they haven’t seen them immediately, but a few weeks ago Desil came in looking nervous and looking around furtively as though they were being followed. Beyond that the shopkeeper either didn’t know or was unwilling to say. Probably the latter.

Treachery, Zod thought, and obviously tied to Desil’s absence.